Adeptic Technologies AB was founded 2004. Since then our vision has been to create web search experiences thats easy and even fun to use. Adeptic Technologies AB was founded 2004. Since then our vision has been to create web search experiences thats easy and even fun to use.
We have been involved in more than 100 search projects, doing everything from commerce search for the largest Nordic ecommerce shops, as well as enterprise search for governmental agencies or Swedish municipalitites.
We have the most satisfied clients according to Web Service Award since 2014, something that we are extremely proud of and determined to continoue.
We have asked some of our dear clients what they appreciate about us. Feel free to contact us if you want to hear more customers view.
Since we started to work with you 2011 we have been in top position in SKL:s yearly survey ranking Swedens 290 municipalities.
Visitors Voice helps us understand and improve our content again and again, which leads to a better search experience.
The intuitive drag and drop interface saves us hours every week when we improve our websites internal search.